Wednesday, March 17, 2010

It's a Start..

So here I am thinking - "I can do this blogging thing - what's one more thing to add to my plate -- why not - lets try it out." I did, I have and I'm trying it again. Back in 2007 - 2008 , I made it to week 17 in my pregnancy and stopped blogging. Why? I'm not sure. Out of sight out of mind I guess. The craziness of being pregnant and trying to plan so that I would have all my ducks in a row for when little "V" would arrive. Oh was I only mistaken to know that one is never fully prepared for that event but I tried and I think I did pretty well. But as my "V" life continues to take its little twists and turns - I find myself gathering more and more to do. I find I get easily bored and continously need change in my life. My husband and daughter both help to keep my life exciting and ever so changing. I then wonder why I'm exhausted by 830pm every night as I now reflect that I work full time, sell Lia Sophia Jewelry, chase my 1 1/2 year old daughter all over, take her to Kindermusik class, keep up with my husband's track team and then try to find time for the stuff that enjoy doing such as cooking, baking, working out, playing with my daughter, entertaining friends and much more. I hope for this to be that little spot where I can share tidbits into my life - whether that be new recipes I've tried from the good ol' Tasty Kitchen site or glimpses of my ever fastly growing daugther or the excitment and joy of my husband's successful track teams, to our entertaining evenings we oh so like to have. So here we go - it's a beginning and I hope for this to thrive and continue. So here's to a second shot of this blogging thing.

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